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  • Writer's picturefibi lau

Beginning my exploration

So I began my exploration focusing on sensory design in architecture, especially focusing on Japanese aesthetics.

Looking at Japanese Architects Kengo Kuma, Tadao Ando, Peter Zumpthor and more.

How they use materials and space to evoke an atmosphere. Using all senses in a building of touch, sound, sight. I need to do further reading of Juhani Pallasmaa's : The eyes of the skin.

I read in praise of the shadows by Junichiro Tanizaki and Kenya Hara's Designing Design book

In praise of the shadows explores the difference of how Japanese perceive objects and space from past to modern day. With the difference of candle light and electric lights. How ceramics and lacquer ware shine with candle light. How Asians are drawn toward cloudiness in Jade rather than diamond, comparing this cloudiness to our skin colour. How the dirt is preserved and seen as beautiful while the west eradicate dirt. Linking the west's clear white skin to this aspect of their view of beautiful. These ideas was what I felt was most interesting, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but environment shapes what you deem as beautiful, the use of shadow and darkness in traditional Japanese rooms makes the space feel ethereal and 'floating'. It also solidifies the sense of emptiness of meditation and no distraction from the act of sleeping. It allows contemplation while today's Tokyo is full of Noise and packed into bright lights.

In Kenya Hara's book it explores sensory aspects of design through projects like Re-design, Haptic and Ex-formation with other designers.

Using unorthodox methods of rethinking design. Stimulating touch by using different materials and questioning the objects function.

I would like my outcome to be one that evokes emotions and intrigue in questioning the objects identity.

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