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  • Writer's picturefibi lau

Experiment small models

What if a set of drawers was dissembled? Would it still be called a drawer or maybe a partition?

Unravelling your items would make it easier to find and reveal how much stuff we actually have. Our privacy, is it necessary?

What if a drawer was connected at both sides? It challenges the relationship we have with shared spaces and our perceived idea of ownership.

Rethinking traditional furniture:

Why is furniture so stagnant? If they could be pulled out like a game of Mikado, would they be more enjoyable. It would also question the importance we place on clothing objects how we hang some and others we throw into a pile. What if the clothing were objects, how would it change the dynamics?

What if furniture could mimic it’s surroundings?

Like a chameleon it copies the characteristics of other items. Here, I am experimenting with the mimicry of texture. Using clay and on different surfaces.

I sampled this pebble square from material lab in London, the clay imprint came out the most successful because of the smooth and large pattern. The other surfaces did not peel off well. I turned the clay mould quickly into a table to visualise the table ‘copying’ the form of the flooring it was touching.

I did a similar principle with this tissue model, using the fabrics from earlier to further convey my direction, this time the fabric reacting more erratically

The idea challenges the view that objects are less dominant, everything on the planet has equal weight with one another. A table reacting as if it had awareness and sensory skills. If tables showed more expression would we be less likely to throw them away.

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